SourcePoint Intel Help

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taskbreak, taskremove, taskdisable, taskenable

Set, clear, display, enable and disable task breakpoints.



taskbreak = [ name, ] [ sts, ] location [, task] [, macro]


taskremove [all]

taskremove = { name | location | task | macro } [ ,... ]


taskenable = { name | location | task | macro } [ ,... ]


taskdisable [all]

taskdisable = { name | location | task | macro } [ ,... ]



Breakpoint name


{ e[nabled] | d[isabled] }


p[rogram] = program name


l[ocation] = address


f[ile] = path of macro file to execute when break hits


The taskbreak command sets and displays task breakpoints. Taskbreak with no arguments displays a list of the current task breakpoints.

The taskremove command removes any or all of the task breakpoints. Arguments to this command qualify which task breakpoints are to be removed. For instance, taskremove=l=1002, n=Break01 removes the task breakpoint with the name Break01 and address = 1002. Taskremove with no arguments removes all task breakpoints.

The taskenable command selectively enables task breakpoints. Arguments to this command qualify which task breakpoints are to be affected. For instance, taskenable=f=c:\OnBreak.mac enables only task breakpoints that will run the macro C:\OnBreak.mac on break.

The taskdisable command selectively disables task breakpoints. Arguments to this command qualify which task breakpoints are to be affected. For instance, taskdisable=p=/home/hello disables only task breakpoints for the task /home/hello. If no arguments are specified, all task breakpoints are disabled.

Task breakpoints can also be set, displayed, etc. from the Breakpoints window.

Note: For taskremove, taskenable, and taskdisable the location-spec will not match when a task breakpoint is inactive, i.e., the breakpoint does not apply to the current task. This is because if a task is out of context, its address space is not valid.


To display current task breakpoints:


To set a task breakpoint at address 1234 for the current task that will run the macro OnBreak.mac on break:

taskbreak = location=1234, f=C:\OnBreak.mac

To set a task breakpoint at address 1000p for the task /bin/ls:

taskbreak = l=1000p, p=/bin/ls

To remove all task breakpoints:


To remove all task breakpoints associated with task /home/hello:

taskremove = p=/home/hello

To ย disable all task breakpoints:


To disable task breakpoint with name firstBreak:

taskdisable = n=firstBreak

To enable all task breakpoints with task /home/hello:

taskenable = p=/home/hello

To enable all task breakpoints that will run the macro file C:\OnBreak.mac on break:

taskenable = f=C:\OnBreak.mac
