SourcePoint Intel Help
Table of Contents
- Using Help
- Contacting ASSET InterTech
- Introduction to SourcePoint
- SourcePoint Environment
- SourcePoint Overview
- SourcePoint Parent Window Introduction
- SourcePoint Icon Toolbar
- File Menu
- File Menu - Project Menu Item
- File Menu - Layout Menu Item
- File Menu - Program Menu Item
- File Menu - Macro Menu Item
- File Menu - Print Menu Items
- File Menu - Update Emulator Flash Menu Item
- File Menu - Program Target Device Menu Item
- File Menu - Other Menu Items
- Edit Menu
- View Menu
- Processor Menu
- Options Menu
- Options Menu - Preferences Menu Item
- Options Menu - Target Configuration Menu Item
- Options Menu - Load Target Configuration File Menu Item
- Options Menu - Save Target Configuration File Menu Item
- Options Menu - Emulator Configuration Menu Item
- Options Menu - Emulator Connection Menu Item
- Options Menu - Emulator Reset Menu Item
- Options Menu - Confidence Tests Menu Item
- Window Menu
- Help Menu
- How To -- SourcePoint Environment
- Add Emulator Connections
- Configure Custom Macro Icons
- Configure Autoloading Macros
- Display Text on the Icon Toolbar
- Edit Icon Groups to Customize Your Toolbars
- Modify a Defined Memory Region
- Refresh SourcePoint Windows
- Save a Program
- Start SourcePoint With Command Line Arguments
- Use the New Project Wizard
- Verify Emulator Network Connections
- SourcePoint Overview
- Breakpoints Window
- Breakpoints Window Overview
- How To - Breakpoints
- Code Window
- Command Window
- Command Window Overview
- Confidence Tests Window
- Confidence Tests Window Overview
- Descriptors Tables Window
- Descriptors Tables Window Overview
- How To - Descriptors
- Devices Window
- Devices Window Overview
- How To - Devices Window
- Log Window
- Log Window Overview
- Memory Window
- Memory Window Overview
- How To - Memory Window
- Page Translation Window
- Page Translation Windows Overview
- PCI Devices Window
- PCI Devices Window Overview
- How To - PCI Devices Window
- Registers Window
- Registers Window Overview
- How To - Registers
- Symbols Windows
- Symbols Window Overview
- How To - Symbols Window
- Trace Window
- Trace Window Overview
- How To - Trace Window
- Advanced
- Viewpoint Window
- Viewpoint Window Overview
- Watch Window
- Watch Window Overview
- How To - Watch Window
- Technical Notes
- Descriptor Cache: Revealing Hidden Registers
- UEFI Framework Debugging
- Memory Casting
- Microsoft PE Format Support in SourcePoint
- Multi-Clustering
- Python/CScripts
- OpenIPC Integration, Installation and Usage
- Registers Keyword Table
- SourcePoint Licensing
- Stepping
- Symbols Textsym Format
- Target Configuration
- Using Bookmarks
- Which Processor Is Which
- Getting Started with DbC
- SourcePoint Command Language
- Overview
- Commands and Control Variables
- aadump
- abort
- abs
- acos
- advanced
- asin
- asm
- asmmode
- atan
- atan2
- autoconfigure
- base
- bell (beep)
- bits
- break
- breakall
- cachememory
- cause
- Character Functions
- clock
- continue
- cos
- cpubreak commands
- cpuid_eax
- cpuid_ebx
- cpuid_ecx
- cpuid_edx
- createprocess
- cscfg, local_cscfg
- csr
- ctime
- cwd
- dbgbreak commands
- defaultpath
- #define
- define
- definemacro
- deviceconfigure
- devicelist
- devicescan
- disconnect
- displayflag
- do while
- dos
- dport
- drscan
- edit
- editor
- emubreak, emuremove, emudisable, emuenable
- emulatorstate
- encrypt
- error
- eval
- evalprogramsymbol
- execution point ($)
- exit
- exp
- fc
- fclose
- feof
- fgetc
- fgets
- first_jtag_device
- flist
- flush
- fopen
- for
- forward
- fprintf
- fputc
- fputs
- fread
- fseek
- ftell
- fwrite
- getc
- getchar
- getnearestprogramsymbol
- getprogramsymboladdress
- gets
- globalsourcepath
- go
- halt
- help
- homepath
- idcode
- if
- include
- invd
- irscan
- isdebugsymbol
- isem64t
- isprogramsymbol
- isrunning
- issleeping
- issmm
- itpcompatible
- jtagchain
- jtagconfigure
- jtagdeviceadd
- jtagdeviceclear
- jtagdevices
- jtagscan
- jtagtest
- keys
- last
- last_jtag_device
- left
- libcall
- license
- linear
- list, nolist
- load
- loadbreakpoints
- loadlayout
- loadproject
- loadtarget
- loadwatches
- log, nolog
- log10
- loge
- logmessage
- macropath
- Memory Access
- messagebox
- mid
- msgclose
- msgdata
- msgdelete
- msgdr
- msgdump
- msgir
- msgopen
- msgreturndatasize
- msgscan
- msr
- num_activeprocessors
- num_all_devices
- num_devices
- num_jtag_chains
- num_jtag_devices
- num_processors
- num_uncore_devices
- openipc
- pause
- physical
- port
- pow
- print cycles
- printf
- proc
- processorcontrol
- processorfamily
- processormode
- processors
- processortype
- projectpath
- putchar
- puts
- rand
- readsetting
- reconnect
- Register Access
- reload
- reloadproject
- remove
- reset
- restart
- return
- right
- runcontroltype
- safemode
- save
- savebreakpoints
- savelayout
- savewatches
- selectdirectory
- selectfile
- shell
- show
- sin
- sizeof
- sleep
- softbreak, softremove, softdisable, softenable
- sprintf
- sqrt
- srand
- step
- stop
- strcat
- strchr
- strcmp
- strcpy
- _strdate
- string [ ] (index into string)
- strlen
- _strlwr
- strncat
- strncmp
- strncpy
- strpos
- strstr
- _strtime
- strtod
- strtol
- strtoul
- _strupr
- swbreak
- switch
- swremove
- tabs
- tan
- tapdatashift
- tapstateset
- targpower
- targstatus
- taskattach
- taskbreak, taskremove, taskdisable, taskenable
- taskend
- taskgetpid
- taskstart
- tck
- time
- uncoreconfigure
- uncorescan
- #undef
- unload
- unloadproject
- upload
- use
- verify
- verifydeviceconfiguration
- verifyjtagconfiguration
- version
- viewpoint
- vpalias
- wait
- wbinvd
- while
- windowrefresh
- wport
- writesetting
- yield
- yieldflag
Customize the Registers Window
All changes to the Registers window are saved in the project file. These changes include register list changes, column widths for each register list, and window and pane sizes, along with the number and location of windows. The currently selected register list and processor selection are also saved.
Adding or Reordering Registers
Registers lists can be reordered. Simply drag and drop a register name to a new position in the register list.
Registers can be added to a list. Either drag the register name to the left-hand pane and drop it on another register group, or drag it to the right-hand pane of another Registers window.
Registers can be removed from a list. Select a register, right-click, and then select Remove Register.
Register lists can be restored to their original content and order by right-clicking and selecting Restore Defaults.
Resizing the Window
The size of the left-hand and right-hand panes can be adjusted by clicking on the pane separator and moving it back and forth.
The Name column can be resized by clicking on the column separator (in the heading), and moving the separator back and forth. The Name column can be automatically sized to the longest visible name by double-clicking on the column separator (in the heading). The Value column automatically re-sizes to fit the right pane.
User Register List
The User register window is no different than any other register list except that it starts out empty. Registers can be added by dragging register names from other Registers windows, by dragging a register name to the left-hand pane and dropping it on the User entry, or by right-clicking on a register name and selecting Copy to User Page.