Category: Boundary Scan

In my last article, I described how the Open Compute Project (OCP) Project Olympus server designs have been put into the public domain by Microsoft Azure. Inherent in the Olympus servers is the hardware connection between the ASPEED BMC and the CPU JTAG chain. To make the most of this connection for hardware-assisted debug and test purposes, a high-performance, secure JTAG Master function is needed within the BMC.
As part of the Open Compute Project, Microsoft Azure is leading the charge in providing the technical information needed to democratize the server industry. Recently, they put into the public domain the full schematics and board files for an Intel Xeon Scalable Processor (Skylake-EP) server design. Reviewing the schematics provides great insight into the hardware design implementation needed to support at-scale debug via embedded JTAG run-control.
We announced today the extended integration of ScanWorksโ€™ boundary-scan test capabilities with the Teradyneโ€™s PXI Express-based High Speed Subsystem (HSSub). Come see a demo at Booth #101 at the AUTOTESTCON conference!
ASSET was recently awarded a multi-year contract for embedding boundary-scan test technology within a military system design. This meets a requirement of greater than 92% structural test diagnostic accuracy in-system, and will save millions of dollars over the lifespan of the system.
Now that At-Scale Debug (ASD) is becoming a de facto standard on Intel designs for the remote execution of CScripts, what other applications can take advantage of this technology?