SourcePoint AMD Help

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Symbols Window Introduction

To access the Symbols window, go to View|Symbols on the menu bar or click on the Symbols icon on the toolbar. The Symbols window displays symbolic debug information. You have access to all symbols and source code via the Symbols window.

The Symbols window is a tabbed dialog with four tabs (views): Globals, Locals, Stack, and Classes. ย Each can be accessed via a mouse click on the tab of choice, or by tabbing through them to the one you want.

  • The Globals tab displays a hierarchy of loaded programs. Programs can be expanded to show modules, procedures, and symbols.

  • The Locals tab shows the variables accessible in the current stack frame.

  • The Stack tab shows the stack as a list of stack frames.

  • The Classes tab lists structure and class definitions in a hierarchy similar to that under the Globals tab.

Note: If you prefer separate windows for each view rather than using the tabs, open instances of the Symbols window, resize each window as desired, then save the settings in a project file. Up to 16 Symbols windows can be open at the same time.


Symbols view under the Globals tab

General Features

Each view contains a multi-column tree control. Listed below are some of the common features found in each view.

Display Base

Values can be displayed in either decimal or hexadecimal. Select Hexadecimal Display in the context menu to toggle between the two. Regardless of the display base, addresses are always displayed in hexadecimal. In addition, values larger than 32 bits are always displayed in hexadecimal.

Note: There is no Symbols drop down menu on the menu bar. Menu items can be accessed via a context menu only. To open a context menu, right-click on a Symbols window.

Editing Values

Variable and register values can be edited by double-clicking the left mouse button or by selecting Edit from the context menu. To end editing a value, press the Enter key or select another field. If a value is being edited when either Go or Step is selected, then the edit is terminated, the value is written, and then the Go or Step operation is performed. Values can be copied and pasted by using the Edit menu, by using Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V, or by using drag and drop. Selecting Undo from the Edit menu restores a value to its original, unedited value. Selecting Redo restores the edited value.


A Properties dialog box can be opened by selecting Properties from the context menu. The information displayed varies depending on the type of item selected. Selecting a new item automatically refreshes the information displayed.


Most items have flyover tooltips that display some of the information available in the Properties dialog box.

Keyboard Support

The arrow keys provide keyboard support for navigation through the tree:

  • The Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys move between items.

  • The Left arrow and Right Arrow keys move along a particular branch. Pressing the Right Arrow expands a branch if it is not currently displayed. Pressing the Left Arrow moves to the first item in a branch; pressing it a second time collapses the branch.

  • The Home and End keys move to the top or bottom of the tree.

  • The Page Up and Page Down keys move a page at a time.

  • The + and - keys expand and collapse the current tree node.

  • The Enter key alternately expands and collapses the current node.

  • The use of the asterisk (Shift and the number 8 on the keyboard) expands all tree nodes beneath the currently selected node.


Select Collapse All from the context menu to collapse all nodes in the tree. Certain views also have an Expand All entry in the context menu which expands all nodes in the tree. The use of the asterisk can also be used to expand all nodes in the tree.


Values are refreshed automatically when the processor runs or when a value is changed elsewhere in SourcePoint. To force a refresh of all values in a view, select Refresh from the context menu.


To print a view, go to File|Print on the menu bar. The entire tree is printed, but only currently expanded nodes are included.

Saving to a File

To save a view, go to File|Save As on the menu bar. The Save As dialog opens. Specify a file name (or use the default) and then click OK. The entire tree is written to the specified file name.


Colors can be changed via the Colors tab under Options|Preferences.

For more information, see "Options Menu - Preferences Command," part of "SourcePoint Overview," found under SourcePoint Environment.

Multi-Processor Environment

In multi-processor systems, register values and stack-relative variables are always associated with the current viewpoint processor.
