SourcePoint AMD Help
Table of Contents
- Using Help
- Contacting ASSET InterTech
- Introduction to SourcePoint
- SourcePoint Environment
- SourcePoint Overview
- SourcePoint Parent Window Introduction
- SourcePoint Icon Toolbar
- File Menu
- File Menu - Project Menu Item
- File Menu - Layout Menu Item
- File Menu - Program Menu Item
- File Menu - Macro Menu Item
- File Menu - Print Menu Items
- File Menu - Update Emulator Flash Menu Item
- File Menu - Program Target Device Menu Item
- File Menu - Other Menu Items
- Edit Menu
- View Menu
- Processor Menu
- Options Menu
- Options Menu - Preferences Menu Item
- Options Menu - Target Configuration Menu Item
- Options Menu - Load Target Configuration File Menu Item
- Options Menu - Save Target Configuration File Menu Item
- Options Menu - Emulator Configuration Menu Item
- Options Menu - Emulator Connection Menu Item
- Options Menu - Emulator Reset Menu Item
- Options Menu - Confidence Tests Menu Item
- Window Menu
- Help Menu
- How To -- SourcePoint Environment
- Add Emulator Connections
- Configure Custom Macro Icons
- Configure Autoloading Macros
- Display Text on the Icon Toolbar
- Edit Icon Groups to Customize Your Toolbars
- Modify a Defined Memory Region
- Refresh SourcePoint Windows
- Save a Program
- Start SourcePoint With Command Line Arguments
- Use the New Project Wizard
- Verify Emulator Network Connections
- SourcePoint Overview
- Breakpoints Window
- Breakpoints Window Overview
- How To - Breakpoints
- Code Window
- Command Window
- Command Window Overview
- Confidence Tests Window
- Confidence Tests Window Overview
- Descriptors Tables Window
- Descriptors Tables Window Overview
- How To - Descriptors
- Devices Window
- Devices Window Overview
- How To - Devices Window
- Log Window
- Log Window Overview
- Memory Window
- Memory Window Overview
- How To - Memory Window
- Page Translation Window
- Page Translation Windows Overview
- PCI Devices Window
- PCI Devices Window Overview
- How To - PCI Devices Window
- Registers Window
- Registers Window Overview
- How To - Registers
- Symbols Windows
- Symbols Window Overview
- How To - Symbols Window
- Viewpoint Window
- Viewpoint Window Overview
- Watch Window
- Watch Window Overview
- How To - Watch Window
- Technical Notes
- SourcePoint Command Language
- Overview
- Commands and Control Variables
- aadump
- abort
- abs
- acos
- advanced
- asin
- asm
- asmmode
- atan
- atan2
- autoconfigure
- base
- bell (beep)
- bits
- break
- breakall
- cachememory
- cause
- Character Functions
- clock
- continue
- cos
- cpubreak commands
- cpuid_eax
- cpuid_ebx
- cpuid_ecx
- cpuid_edx
- createprocess
- ctime
- cwd
- dbgbreak commands
- defaultpath
- #define
- define
- definemacro
- deviceconfigure
- devicescan
- disconnect
- displayflag
- do while
- dos
- dport
- drscan
- edit
- editor
- emulatorstate
- encrypt
- error
- eval
- evalprogramsymbol
- execution point ($)
- exit
- exp
- fc
- fclose
- feof
- fgetc
- fgets
- first_jtag_device
- flist
- flush
- fopen
- for
- forward
- fprintf
- fputc
- fputs
- fread
- fseek
- ftell
- fwrite
- getc
- getchar
- getnearestprogramsymbol
- getprogramsymboladdress
- gets
- globalsourcepath
- go
- halt
- help
- homepath
- idcode
- if
- include
- invd
- irscan
- isdebugsymbol
- isem64t
- isprogramsymbol
- isrunning
- issleeping
- issmm
- jtagchain
- jtagconfigure
- jtagdeviceadd
- jtagdeviceclear
- jtagdevices
- jtagscan
- jtagtest
- keys
- last
- last_jtag_device
- left
- license
- linear
- list, nolist
- load
- loadbreakpoints
- loadlayout
- loadproject
- loadtarget
- loadwatches
- log, nolog
- log10
- loge
- logmessage
- macropath
- Memory Access
- messagebox
- mid
- msgclose
- msgdata
- msgdelete
- msgdr
- msgdump
- msgir
- msgopen
- msgreturndatasize
- msgscan
- msr
- num_activeprocessors
- num_all_devices
- num_devices
- num_jtag_chains
- num_jtag_devices
- num_processors
- pause
- physical
- port
- pow
- print cycles
- printf
- proc
- processorcontrol
- processorfamily
- processormode
- processors
- processortype
- projectpath
- putchar
- puts
- rand
- readsetting
- reconnect
- Register Access
- reload
- reloadproject
- remove
- reset
- restart
- return
- right
- runcontroltype
- safemode
- save
- savebreakpoints
- savelayout
- savewatches
- selectdirectory
- selectfile
- shell
- show
- sin
- sizeof
- sleep
- softbreak, softremove, softdisable, softenable
- sprintf
- sqrt
- srand
- step
- stop
- strcat
- strchr
- strcmp
- strcpy
- _strdate
- string [ ] (index into string)
- strlen
- _strlwr
- strncat
- strncmp
- strncpy
- strpos
- strstr
- _strtime
- strtod
- strtol
- strtoul
- _strupr
- swbreak
- switch
- swremove
- tabs
- tan
- tapdatashift
- tapstateset
- targpower
- targstatus
- taskattach
- taskbreak, taskremove, taskdisable, taskenable
- taskend
- taskgetpid
- taskstart
- tck
- time
- #undef
- unload
- unloadproject
- upload
- unlock
- use
- verify
- verifydeviceconfiguration
- verifyjtagconfiguration
- version
- viewpoint
- vpalias
- wait
- wbinvd
- while
- windowrefresh
- wport
- writesetting
- yield
- yieldflag
Descriptor Cache: Revealing Hidden Registers
Many developers are unfamiliar with a very important set of registers that play a crucial role in memory access. These registers are sometimes referred to as "descriptor cache" or "hidden" registers. They are accessible and modifiable only when using an in-circuit emulator such as those produced by Arium. The information below explains how these registers are the true basis for forming linear addresses rather than the segment registers, even in Real mode.
When code execution causes a descriptor table lookup, the processor goes into the descriptor table once to access the descriptorโs base, limit, and access rights. A group of three hidden registers linked to each segment register retains this information. The processor does not need to access this table entry again until a segment change is made.
The following figure shows an example of a Segment Registers window from SourcePoint. Note that it displays the descriptor cache for all segment registers. We will discuss the code descriptor cache (i.e., CSBAS, CSLIM, and CSAR), but this information generally applies to all descriptor caches.
Segment Registers window (IA-32 processor)
The linear address where code is accessed is determined by the CSBAS register. CS simply serves to convey the information into CSBAS. For example, if a Real mode program executes a far call that loads a value of F800 into CS, a value of 000F8000 is loaded into CSBAS. The linear address is derived by adding CSBAS to EIP.
These descriptor cache registers also explain why the reset vector is FFFFFFFO even though CS is F000 and EIP is 0000FFF0. The reset vector is produced by adding CSBAS (FFFF0000) to EIP (0000FFF0). Since the address is derived in this manner, the reset value in CS has no effect. The CS register is initialized to F000 at reset solely for software compatibility with legacy processors.
When entering Protected mode, system software must perform a far jump that loads CS to reference the appropriate descriptor in the GDT. This causes the processor to access the code descriptor and cache the base, limit, and access rights in CSBAS, CSLIM, and CSAR, respectively. The values remain in these hidden registers until execution changes context by loading another code descriptor.
Modifying a segment register (i.e., a segment selector) manually does not have the same effect as when it is modified by program execution. For instance, CSBAS, CSLIM, and CSAR are not automatically changed when CS is modified using an emulator. In most cases, all of these registers will need to be changed to produce the desired effect.