Fast Flash Parallel In-System Programming | ISP | JTAG
Home / eResources / Fast Flash Parallel In-System Programming | ISP | JTAG
In-system programming (ISP) of memories within the manufacturing flow is well established. However, the industry has taken a step backward to off-line device programming because the increasing size of flash memory has lengthened programming times with legacy methods.
New innovations have now rejuvenated high-speed in-line ISP. Temporarily configuring an onboard FPGA with custom IP creates the perfect vehicle to not only deliver massive data at optimal speed, but also to programย multiple boards in parallel and on the same test station.
This eBook discusses methods for returning programming where it belongs:ย ย in the manufacturing line and at high speeds.f
- Distributed Flash Programming
- High-volume Programming and Test
- Low-Volume / High-Mix Production
- Mid-Volume / Mid-Mix Production
- Examples of Real World Scenarios
